Attack Blue Dry Nanofiber Performance Filter 14" OD  x 12" ID x 4" Height

Attack Blue Dry Nanofiber Performance Filter 14" OD x 12" ID x 4" Height

Your Price:$116.95
Not for Sale.
Part Number:4000-10T
Creating power while protecting the engines internals is always a winner with any enthusiast.

The heart and soul of an Attack Blue filter, is its proprietary Dry Nanofiber Technology.  
Nano technology is absolutely superior in flowing the most air while providing the best filtration over traditional media.
This is undisputed. This is only one of many attributes that separates Attack Blue from other aftermarket filters.
Nanofibers are ultra-fine, so much smaller and thinner than traditional spun fibers so there is more packed filtering media, within the same amount of space. This allows air to flow but it creates a treacherous path for dirt & debris, so it’s caught and captured at a SUBmicron level, the size of some bacteria.   
This submicron level of particulate retention can increase engine life by reducing wear on internal engine surfaces.

Its Dry so there is no oil to foul any sensors. Attack Blue’s filters are washable & reusable.  Just use soap and water.  No chemicals needed.

Experience where performance, new technology & science collide.    Red, White & Attack Blue!

 *Please measure your filter before you purchase and before you install.

Available Mid October